Media Queries

Media Queries allow us to define CSS styling rules for web page elements by querying on on the device type and/or certain features of the device on which the web content is currently being viewed or rendered.

In a single media style rule, multiple queries for device types or features can be combined using logical operators - and , not or only.

Syntax for writing a CSS Media rules: @media <<device type or feature query or comma-separated list of queries>> <<logical operator>> <<device type or feature query or comma-separated list of queries>>....


 @media screen {
  body { background-color: #ddd; }
@media screen, print {
  body { background-color: #ddd; }

Using CSS media query for Responsive Web Design (RWD):

Below css media rules define how our web content would be rendered on devices of type screen and different sizes - usually we target

#body-container { 
      width: 950px; 
      margin: 0 auto;
#section-container { 
      width: 690px; 
      float: left;
#side-container { 
      width: 260px; 
      float: left;

/* media rule for devices for upto max width of 950px */
@media screen and (max-width:950px) {
  #body-container { width: 100%; }
  #section-container { width: 70%; }
  #side-container { width: 30%; }

/* for devices having width of 640 or less, make section and side occupy whole width */
@media screen and (max-width:640px) {
  #section-container { width: 100%; }
  #side-container { width: 100%; }

/* for devices having width of less than 320px, 
if width of container is made responsive to such 
smaller screen size contents won't be visible properly. 
So set body-container size fixed to 320px & if screen size is less,
then horizontal scroller would be enabled 
to see the contents which are beyond the visible screen area   */

@media screen and (max-width:320px) {
  #body-container { width: 320px; }

Also note, usually, we add below viewport tag in the header of our page HTML to have it respond to device screen size on phones or tablet:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

This tells the device that the content of the web page needs to be equal to the device width and keep the contents initial scale to 100% and do not scale it up or down.

Last updated