'this' keyword

## 'this' keyword

In javascript, when a function is invoked

  • an 'execution context' is created for the function

    • each 'execution context' has a 'variable environment' where the variables declared inside the function live

    • the 'execution context' has a reference to its 'outer environment'

    • if the function code uses a variable which is not declared inside the function, then it can look for it in its 'outer environment'. If that 'outer environment' is another parent function and doesn't have the variable, the code can look for the variable further next level of outer environment until it reaches the global environment.

  • Every time javascript creates an 'execution context', it automatically creates a variable called 'this'.

    'this' could be pointing to different objects depending on how the function has been invoked.

  1. When used in global scope, this points to window object

  2. When used inside a function statement or expression defined in global scope, this points to window object

  3. When used in a function defined inside an object - this points to the object

  4. When used in a function - nested inside a function which is defined inside an object - this points to window object. This is little weird. As a workaround for this, many developers define another variable usually named that or self in the parent function and assign it to this. Then use that/self in the nested function instead of this.

  5. When a function is invoked with the new keyword, this would be a new empty object and passed on the function. Once function completes, this would be returned.

  6. When called with call(), apply() or bind(), we can determine what this in the function should point to, the first parameter passed in these function is what this would point to.

  7. ES6's Arrow function, => Arrow function doesn't create its own this variable. When this is used in an arrow function, it points to it's parent's scope.

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