
GraphQL's server side setup has following important components:

  1. typeDefs - Type definitions aka schema of your data models and shapes/contract defs of your queries and mutations. (Think of Queries and Mutations as your GraphQL server's endpoints. Queries are for GET, Mutations can be for PUT or POST.)

  2. resolvers - functions/code for your queries and mutations. These function signature should match with the signature that you have defined in your queries/mutations schema. In these functions, you write code for how or where to get or post data, and then resolve/customize/massage the response data as defined in the typeDefs of data models. ( for example a resolve function could contain a MongoDB/Mongoose find statement to query some data or even could be an Axios call to query some external REST API endpoint)

TypeDefs / Schema

type definitions of data models, queries and mutations:

  • are written in GraphQL Schema Language.

  • are first written in a templated string format (within a pair of backticks (`...`)

 const typeDefs = [`
  type UserDetails {
    id: String
    name: String
    email: String

  // Query(GET) endpoints typedefs go inside the parent type `Query`
  type Query {
     UserDetails: UserDetails

  // Mutations(PUT/POST) endpoints typedefs go inside the parent type `Mutation`
  type Mutation {
   UserEmail(id: String!, email: String!): Channel


const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    UserDetails ({ id }, context) {
       return request('GET')
         .from(await route(`user/${id}`))
         .send<{ UserDetails }>()
         .then((res) =>
         .catch((err) => {
            // throw error
  Mutation: {
    UserEmail: (args) => {

      { id, email } = args;
      const res = request('PUT')
      return {,
        id: id

Make Executable Schema

Once you have typeDefs and Resolvers set up, you make a executable schema that GraphQL can execute using the graphql-tools's makeExecutableSchema function:

// schema.ts

import typeDefs from './schema';
import resolvers from './resolvers';

const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });

Set up Express to use graphQLExpress middleware

Once we have our executable schema ready, we can provide it to graphQLExpress to set it as a middleware for our node Express server:

server.use('/graphql', bodyParser.json(), graphqlExpress({

//also set up the endpoint for the `GraphiQL` query editor tool:
server.use('/graphiql', graphiqlExpress({
  endpointURL: '/graphql'

This is server side setup for GraphQL in brief. Next we'll set the client side setup needed for GraphQL

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