XSS Attack

XSS Attack = Cross-site scripting attack

A user enters some malicious scripting code like below in one of the input fields on your website form.

 $http.post("\transferMoney", {amount: 1000000, toAccount: "111AttackersAccount"});

in ASP.net, To avoid such XSS attacks, all MVC Controller's actions by default don't process the request and send back error if any HTML code is sent in the request.

In case you want some Controller action to allow HTML in the requests, use the decorator ValidateInput(false) on the action method:

    class MoneyTransactionController: Controller 
        public ActionResult Transfer()
            //business logic to handle money transfer
            return View();


And in case you want to allow HTML for some specific field in a form instead of the whole Controller Action, use AllowHTML at the property level in the Model of the data.

namespace MyMVCApplication.Models 
    public class CodeSample
        public string SubmittedBy { get; set; }

        public string Code { get; set; }



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