
React Component Lifecycle Events

constructor (props) Before rendering # componentWillMount() Don’t use this # render() Render # componentDidMount() After rendering (DOM available) #


componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState, snapshot) Use setState() here, but remember to compare props

shouldComponentUpdate (newProps, newState)Skips render() if returns false

render() Render

componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) Operate on the DOM here

Unmounting events

componentWillUnmount() Before DOM removal #

Error events

componentDidCatch() Catch errors (16+) #

Set initial the state on constructor().

Add DOM event handlers, timers (etc) on componentDidMount(),

remove event listners in componentWillUnmount().

My Bold Text, in red color.{: style="color: red; opacity: 0.80;" }

Last updated