Interview Questions
What is DOM?
What is Event loop = run time model present in the Javascript engine
What is hoisting in Javascript?
Where are let/const declarations are hoisted?
Functions Expressions and Arrow functions are not hoisted, because they behave like any other variable and a special keyword 'undefined' is stored in them, Only regular functions are hoisted
What is a closure?
What is callback hell - make code unreadble and unmaintainable
Map, Filter, Reduce - are High order functions for an array
How many scopes in javascript?
Call, Bind and Apply - function borrowing
What is this keyword?
Arrow vs normal function?
What is memozation?
rest and spread operators?
What would below code output in console?
What would below code block output?
What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript?
performs type coercion, meaning it converts the operands to the same type before making the comparison, while ===
does not perform type coercion and returns false
if the operands have different types.
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